Act Waiver
This program is designed to provide services to individuals with disabilities or long term illnesses, who live in a nursing facility but want to transition home or to a community setting. Services are based on individual needs. The individual must have been in a nursing facility for at least 90 days to be eligible. Financial and medical guidelines apply.
Alabama Cares
Alabama Cares provides assistance to caregivers who are caring for elderly (60+) family members at home. Services include respite, medical supplies, and education. A cost share is requested based on the income of the older person. Alabama Cares also assists caregivers of children and adult children with severe mental or physical disabilities.
Click here to see the Alabama Cares program in action.
Elderly & Disabled Waiver
Homemaker, personal care, respite, adult day care, case management, and home delivered meals are provided through the Elderly and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program. Services are available for elderly and disabled persons, regardless of age, who are medically eligible for nursing home admission but would prefer to remain in their homes. Financial guidelines apply.
Under the Homemaker Program, clients are assisted with general household activities such as changing bed linens, cleaning and laundry, etc. Donations are encouraged.
Personal Choices
Personal Choices is an option for self-directed home and community-based services. The program allows people who are receiving services through Medicaid Waivers to self-direct, offering more choices, flexibility, and control in managing their daily lives. The program offers seniors and people with disabilities more choice and flexibility in the type of care they receive and the provider of that care. Participants, with the help of a counselor, manage their resources.
Gateway to Community Living is a program funded through the Alabama Medicaid Agency that assists individuals who are living in a nursing home or other qualified institution to transition into the community and receive home and community-based services.
Individuals who are in the hospital and have full Medicaid, a home to return to, and a willing and able caregiver may be eligible to receive home and community-based services upon discharge from the hospital through the Hospital to Home Program.
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Senior Centers
Autauga County
- Autaugaville Senior Center
- Billingsley Senior Center
- Marbury Senior Center
- Mt. Sinai Senior Center
- Prattville Senior Center
Elmore County
- Coosa River Senior Center
- Eclectic Senior Center
- Millbrook Senior Center
- Tallassee Senior Center
- Wetumpka Senior Center
Montgomery County
- Antioch Senior Center
- Dublin Senior Center
- Freewill Senior Center
- MACOA Pickup Center
- New Home Senior Center
- Pilgrim Rest Senior Center
- St. Paul Senior Center
- True Divine Community Senior Center